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Green Cleaning


Green Steam Shine (GSS) offers green cleaning, not only for environmental reasons, but also for the health and productivity of our clients. All of our cleaning supplies are non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-combustible, non-reactive and are free of hazardous ingredients or ozone depleting compounds. Further, our green cleaning program follows the intent and requirements set forth by the U.S.G.B.C. LEED Green Certification program.


Professional Staff


We are committed to hiring and training only the most qualified people. All of our applicants are evaluated purely on their qualifications and undergo a thorough background check and zero-tolerance drug test before being welcomed into the GSS family.

Once hired, each staff member receives intensive on-site training from one of our supervisors to ensure they are highly skilled in their craft. Our training philosophy is based on 3 core principles:

By employing only qualified and trained professionals that uphold this philosophy, we are able to ensure that all GSS employees are fully prepared to provide service of the highest quality. Delta’s goal is to make our clients’ lives easier.

  1. Think Safety

  2. Think Pride

  3. Think Knowledge


Quality Control


For every job we undertake, we assign a quality control representative whose sole concern is the quality of the work and the satisfaction  of the client. This representative works independently of our operations team and reports directly to senior management, ensuring the work is being done to Green Steam Shine’s high standards of service and quality.

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